Cloud Platforms

360° Cloud Solutions for your Business!

Data management can be very difficult if you have your business information and applications all over the place. This is where cloud platforms that provide 360° solutions and address all your company needs  play a pivotal role. Storage, computing and networking, when everything is taken care of by a single provider, it improves the company’s productivity and employee efficiency.

CloudCompanions helps you build a robust cloud architecture for your business. Wherever you are in your digital transformation journey, we can help you go serverless effortlessly. Our step by step migration plan makes it convenient for you to move your entire business to the cloud.

The Cloud advantage ​

  • Accessibility
    Access anytime, anywhere
  • Collaboration
    Can be used by multiple users
  • Scalability
    Scale up or down as required
  • Security
    Data is safe and secure
  • Cost efficient
    Saves cost on buying on premise devices
  • Easy deployment
    Simple to migrate
  • Data backup
    Back up on premise storage on Cloud
  • Disaster recovery
    Easy to retrieve data
  • Improves productivity
    Better management

Migrating to cloud ​

Migrating to the cloud is simple and easy. While some might want to opt for self service, others might prefer to partner with an expert cloud consultant, like CloudCompanions. Our experience suggests that partnering in this journey of moving to cloud turns out to be beneficial giving a better user experience, making it more timely and cost effective for organizations of all sizes.

Migrate your organization’s data from any storage device to Cloud in 5 easy steps

Finding the perfect Cloud Platform

Industry Compliance
Existing Architecture
Costs Involved
Customer Support

Different Cloud Platforms to select from:

Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure